How To: Dicing and Mincing
Precision leads to perfection.

- Chef’s knife
- Santoku-style knife
- Wooden cutting board for cooked chicken, vegetables, herbs
- Plastic cutting board for raw chicken
- Wet paper towels underneath the board for stability
- Small, uniformly sized squares.
- Great for sautéing flavor bases.
- Helps ingredients spread throughout a salad or a sauce.
- Approximately ¼ to ½-inch on all sides.
- Tiny cut used most often for herbs and savories like garlic and onion.
- Ensures flavor spreads evenly thoughout a dish.
- Approximately 1⁄16-inch cuts.
- Ensure doneness with a meat thermometer.
- Refrigerate any leftover chicken or turkey immediately and use within 3-5 days.