How To: Making Kebabs
Tips for a fast, fun, easy-grilling favorite.

- Chef's knife
- Plastic cutting board
- Bowls
- Wooden skewers
- Metal skewers
- Tongs
Metal skewers:
- Conduct heat, so food cooks through faster
- Help food stay more secure as you turn
- Are too hot to use for serving/presenting food
- Can be used numerous times and are ideal for parties
Wooden (bamboo) skewers:
- Must be soaked in water for at least 20 minutes prior to using
- Can serve as utensils, so food can be eaten directly from them
- Can be used only once but are ideal for parties
How Big?
- Aim to slice boneless cuts into 1-inch cubes
- Cut all pieces to be about the same size
- For firmer fruits and vegetables, grill separately and for less time than chicken-only skewers
- Ensure doneness with a meat thermometer.
- Refrigerate any leftover chicken or turkey immediately and use within 3-5 days.