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Turkey and Wild Rice Soup


Turkey and Wild Rice Soup

Turkey and Wild Rice Soup

In The Fresh Meat Case

PERDUE® HARVESTLAND® Free Range Whole Chicken with Giblets

In The Fresh Meat Case

PERDUE® HARVESTLAND® Free Range Whole Chicken with Giblets

Made With:

PERDUE® HARVESTLAND® Free Range Whole Chicken with Giblets

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PREP TIME: 0min COOK TIME: 1hr 0min
Serves 4

PREP TIME: 0min COOK TIME: 1hr 0min
Serves 4

  • 380
  • 30g
  • 922mg
  • 1g
    Sat. Fat
  • nutritional information


3 cups water

2 tbsp. butter or olive oil, divided

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup wild and white rice blend

1 cup chopped leek (white part only)

2 cups fresh butternut squash, cubed (in 1/2-inch cubes)

1 tsp. fresh sage, minced

3 slices bacon, cooked and diced

4 cups chicken broth

Salt and pepper to taste

Step 1

In a large pot, bring 3 cups of water, 1 tablespoon butter or olive oil, and salt to a boil. Stir in rice, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 40 to 45 minutes, until rice is cooked.

Step 2

Meanwhile, heat remaining teaspoon butter or oil in a large skillet. Add leeks and saute for 2 minutes; turn heat to low and add squash. Cover, and cook 10 to 15 minutes, just until squash is soft.

Step 3

Add leeks, squash, 2 cups shredded, cooked turkey meat, bacon and fresh sage or dry poultry seasoning to cooked rice. Add broth and bring to a boil; season with salt and pepper, and serve.

Turkey and Wild Rice Soup Ta Da Ta Da

Turkey and Wild Rice Soup

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Enjoy this delicious turkey soup made with fresh butternut squash and bacon for dinner tonight. Serves 4 /recipe-images/53805_Chicken_Wild_Rice_Soup_1_thumbnail.jpg /recipe-images/53805_Chicken_Wild_Rice_Soup_1_thumbnail.jpg