Perdue's Blog The Table
What Does No Antibiotics Ever Mean?
January 2025

This article is provided for educational purposes only, and is not meant to serve as medical advice for humans or animals. Please contact your health provider or veterinarian with any diet or health-related questions or concerns.
You may have read or heard that all Perdue® chicken is “No Antibiotics Ever.” But what does that mean? And why is it important to you and your family? Read on for details.
Use of Antibiotics in Chickens
In the poultry industry, both human and animal antibiotics are administered to chickens to prevent or treat illness. Antibiotics may be injected into the egg in the hatchery or mixed with water and/or feed on the farm to keep chickens healthy.
The issue is this: Consumers, the public and health care professionals have a wide range of concerns over the use of antibiotics in animal agriculture: Some animal antibiotics are not approved for human use, as they may be toxic, and some may leach into our soil and groundwater. Here at Perdue, we decided to dig in and find a better way.
Perdue’s Journey to No Antibiotics Ever
Beginning in 2002, we laid the groundwork to remove antibiotics from our farming protocols. We removed human antibiotics from chicken feed by 2007 and from all chicken production by the end of 2014. By the end of 2016, Perdue had transitioned all chicken production to no antibiotics OF ANY KIND ever, the first chicken company to do so. And in 2017, Perdue transitioned all of its branded consumer chicken products to No Antibiotics Ever.
Years of research and development went into this transition. Along the way, we discovered that natural supplements, like oregano and thyme, could help to ensure a flock’s health and vitality. We also found that a nutrient-rich 100% vegetarian diet, a clean, light-filled living environment and various enrichments kept chickens healthy and happy. So, for us, raising chickens with No Antibiotics Ever means “no antibiotics needed.” Working with farmers, we changed the way we raise chickens at every step.
As part of our commitment to animal welfare, we continue to treat sick flocks with antibiotics when necessary. Treated animals are removed from the No-Antibiotics-Ever program and sold through other channels.
Perdue’s Definition of No Antibiotics Ever
“No Antibiotics Ever” is an important distinction amidst other, confusing claims. For example, you may hear that “all meat is antibiotic free.” Yes, government mandated “withdrawal periods” are designed to allow antibiotics to clear an animal’s system before it gets to your table. But that does not answer the question: “Is this product from a chicken that received antibiotics?” At Perdue, when we say, “No Antibiotics Ever,” we mean no antibiotics of any kind, at any time – not in the hatchery, not to prevent illness and not to treat illness. But we didn’t stop there. “Consumers have a number of concerns around antibiotic use, and they deserve products that address all those concerns with a promise they can trust,” says Perdue Farms Chairman Jim Perdue. “That’s why we back up the No-Antibiotics-Ever claim on Perdue consumer chicken products with a USDA Process Verified Program.” As part of this program, the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service sends auditors to the hatchery, the feed mill and the farm to ensure that Perdue is following a strict No-Antibiotics-Ever process.
In summer 2023, our biggest competitor announced that it would drop its No-Antibiotics-Ever label and revert to feeding chickens antibiotics to prevent illness. We don’t think that’s the answer. In our never-ending pursuit of Better Chicken ― and doing what’s right for animals in our care and our loyal customers ― we remain committed to No Antibiotics Ever.
If you’re looking for better chicken, look for the Perdue brand with the No-Antibiotics-Ever label at your grocery store!