Perdue's Blog The Table
Create a Fun Family Fondue Party
April 2024

The seventies are back, baby! Here are some tips for how to enjoy the fondue revival.
Types of Fondue
- Cheese fondue
- It is traditionally made with Gruyère cheese and white wine, but go ahead and try incorporating your favorite cheeses!
- Popular accompaniments are:
- Crusty bread
- Lightly blanched vegetables, such as broccoli or cauliflower
- Raw vegetables, such as mushrooms, carrots, celery or peppers
- Chunks of salami, ham or cooked chicken, such as PERDUE® Chicken Nuggets or PERDUE® SHORT CUTS®—try our Chicken and Cheese Fun Do for a casual, family-friendly meal
- Meat fondue
- Traditionally, use a pot of searing oil or simmering broth for cooking raw meats and dip small cubes of quick-cooking meats into the hot liquid and leave to cook to desired doneness
- Popular meats for oil or broth fondue are:
- Chicken – if you use fresh chicken, be sure to cook to 170°F, but you could also use the oil to heat a fully cooked product
- Beef tenderloin
- Shrimp
- Serve with a variety of dips, sauces and condiments, such as:
- Herb or garlic mayonnaise
- Steak sauce
- Horseradish sauce
- Dijon mustard
- Cornichon pickles
- Cocktail sauce
- Chocolate fondue
- It is traditionally made with dark chocolate melted with heavy cream, but white and milk chocolate are terrific as well!
- For the adult version, add a touch of cherry or orange liqueur
- Add your own favorite accompaniments—a few classics are:
- Fresh fruits, such as oranges, apples, grapes, strawberries and bananas
- Marshmallows
- Pound cake cubes
- Cookies
- Dried fruits, such as apricots or banana chips
- Choose the right pot for your fondue
- Ceramic pots are great for cheese or chocolate fondue—the low heat keeps your fondue warm without burning
- Pots that use tea lights, gel packs or Sterno keep a low temperature that works better for cheese or chocolate fondue
- Metal pots are best for meat fondues, because they hold heat better than ceramic pots
- Use an electric pot for oil or broth fondue—it will keep your oil or broth at the higher, constant temperature that you need to cook meat evenly
Setting the Table
- One fondue pot will comfortably serve 3–5 people—more than that will cause an overcrowding of forks in one pot
- Try to give everyone two forks, one for eating and one for dipping—if you have fondue forks, one fondue fork and one dinner fork work well
- Each person should have a small plate to eat from and rest his or her fork on
Drinks and Sides
- A crisp salad or fresh vegetables are a nice accompaniment as a light, fresh side dish
- Drinking water causes bread to swell, so try drinking wine or tea instead
- Mint tea is a great ending to a cheese or chocolate fondue
Fondue Etiquette
- Make sure everyone knows the proper fondue etiquette
- Dip your bread into the melted cheese or chocolate and swirl in a figure-eight pattern to stir
- Lift and hold for a moment to let the excess drip away
- Use the dinner fork to slide your bread, fruit or meat from the fondue fork to your plate
- Avoid double-dipping or eating directly from the fondue fork—that’s where two forks per person come in handy
- Just for fun: anyone who loses a piece in the pot gives his or her next piece to the person sitting to the right!